Grace Lutheran Church

Free Resources For All Families!

Welcome to the Faith Forward resource Web site. This FREE site is for everyone. We encourage you to invite and share with all parents, grandparents, neighbors, and friends. Enjoy these creative, fun activities and discussions to practically and playfully be family!

FREE "Faith on the Go” RESOURCES

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Learn about Five Family Faith Practices

Two minute video clips to learn about these
dynamic at home practices
that can be woven into any family's busy schedule.

Free extra PDF ideas to get you started on each.

Faith Conversations
"My parents never felt they had to have answers. We just liked to talk.  Open curiosity was a big value."
- Macey
Family Prayer
"Your rhythms of prayer, your examples of prayer will grow into children who later in life, like myself, will find they crave times to pray."
- Katie
Family Acts of Service
"I learned from my family, 'wherever I go, I always want to give more back.'"
- Germain
Rituals and Traditions
"It is kind of funny, but before opening presents we always sing happy birthday to Jesus."
- Arianna
Reading Scripture Together
"Let young ones catch you, observe you reading, cherishing, holding, highlighting a Bible.
- Daniel
Make Mealtime Family Time

Religious or Not

Great for every family!
Lots of creative ways for families to talk, share, and play together.

FREE “Make Meal Time Family Time” RESOURCES

This Week's Download

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Make Meal Time Family Time
"We talked together at our meals. We laughed and joked, but almost always talked about our "Highs and Lows" from our day."
- Ryan

HolyDays and Holidays

Festive Fun Faith and Family EXTRAS!


Tis the season every month of festive creative ways to be family!

This Month's Download

Say YES more than no.

Provided by

Grand View University
With Peer Ministry Leadership
Funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. Christian Parenting and Caregiving Initiative
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